Alcoholic solution of the plants
This tincture helps to low high blood pressure, with this also helps against arythmia.
This tincture helps brain function, memory and prevent head attack.
Propolis is produce by bees to defend enemies. It is the best natural antibiotic which can be used against infections, viruses and high blood pressure.
Schisandra Chinesis in harmony with grape syrup is a strong revitalising tonic mix which boosts immune system. This tincture is also an anti-oxidant, especially good for liver. Can prevent cancer and heart-attack.
Thyme is called the enemy of toxins. The tincture helps to prevent and heal respiratory problems. It is a very effective tonic for human organism.
Nettle (Urtica dioica) is the plant that helps the flow of the blood, also detoxifies blood vessels. This tonic is very good against anaemia.